This blog is dedicated to helping managers and employees.
Our mission is to help HR improve employee selection, engagement and retention.
John Bishop’s Core Beliefs:

- Hiring is the front door to your future success.
- We can’t stop turnover entirely, but you can slow it down significantly.
- Mission Statement + Hiring Statement (culture).
- Focus….Ownership….Continuous Improvement
- AI is changing everything at speeds never seen before.
- Hiring can be your competitive advantage
Hiring Right: Avoiding the 7 Deadly Sins
Recruiting top talent is crucial in today’s competitive job market. HR professionals play a vital role in attracting and selecting the best fit for your company. Managers can help. Here are the seven pitfalls to avoid during the hiring process:
- First Impression Fiasco: Don’t let a handshake or liking the same sports team overshadow a candidate’s qualifications. Focus on a structured interview process that uncovers skills and experience.
- Cookie-Cutter Clone: Hire for talent and potential, not just someone who resembles the existing team. Diverse perspectives strengthen your company.
- Fear Factor: Don’t settle for a “B” player just to avoid a hiring delay. The cost of a bad hire is far greater than a patient search for the right person.
- Friendship Favoritism: Hiring a friend because of personal connections undermines trust and team morale. Maintain a fair and objective process.
- Monologue Madness: Interviews are a two-way street. Let candidates showcase their skills and ask questions. A talkative manager gathers less information.
- Speedy Selections: Rushing the hiring process can lead to costly mistakes. Take the time to thoroughly assess all qualified candidates.
- “Gut Feeling” Gamble: Intuition can be helpful, but it shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor. Base your decisions on concrete evidence and a well-defined selection process.
By avoiding these pitfalls, you can transform your hiring process from a vulnerability to a competitive advantage. Attract top talent, build a strong company culture, and achieve your business goals.
Question for Discussion
Employees today are saying: “Validate me as a person or lose me as an employee.”
How are you validating your individual employees?
The Challenge of AI and Hiring Misinformation
The rise of AI in recruitment brings both benefits and challenges.
The Problem:
- Candidates can inflate accomplishments and use multiple targeted keywords to trick HR software.
- Estimates suggest over 70% of resumes include misleading information.
- When candidates can’t perform the advertised tasks, they often turnover.
The Impact:
- Increased turnover when unqualified candidates are hired.
- Turnover costs can be 50-75% of an underperforming person’s annual salary or wage.
- Stress levels go up as team members pick up the duties of under-performing employees.
- Managers’ time is focused on fixing underperforming employee issues.
- Employees wonder why the problem took so long to resolve. Then, they start second guessing the manager on other issues.
Potential Solutions:
- Science-based assessments: These can provide an objective evaluation of a candidate’s skills and suitability for the role. Quality, 3rd party assessments with targeted interview questions will minimize costly errors. Goal: fit the job, the team, the manager and the culture. Save money by purchasing qualified assessments.
- Develop a Hiring Statement: A Hiring Statement is a short, positive, non-discriminating statement about the employee characteristics needed to fulfill your Mission Statement. It is both a benchmark and a constant reminder of the talent you need to succeed.
- Before any hiring decision, answer these five questions:
- Will this candidate add talent to the team?
- Will this candidate take ownership of the job?
- Will this candidate work well with the existing team?
- Will this candidate work well with my management style?
- If hired, what will I do to help this person learn, grow and succeed – quickly?
AI can streamline recruiting, but it’s crucial to stay vigilant against misinformation. AI is coming to society at a breath-taking pace. This is a good time to review what we have done in the past and evaluate the needs for the future.